You want to be a franchisor?
Below, we propose you a set of means which we implement for the success of your project:
DE WINTER GROUP SA, a swiss group, present on 30 countries , operates with its department of online services franchisings.

Discover the group :
  • ( Franchisors portal )
  • ( Site allowing to the investors preparing their projects and to the companies desiring develop in franchising benefitting from a set of means, see below )
  • ( A virtual show permanent in 3D allowing the direct access to the stands of the franchisors with downloading of the documents, Web access to the site of the franshisor, real time discussion, ..)

Our goal:

  • Linking the franchisors with the investors desiring to create a sale point based on the qualified professionals under the status of franchisee in conformity with the laws in force in the implantation countries ( the Doubin Law in France,….)
  • Facilitating the implementation by discharging the franchisor from a set of tasks ( See below )

DE WINTER GROUP SA puts at the disposal of the franchisor the following services:

1 - Legal
DE WINTER GROUP SA will ensure the creation of the DPI (Document of precontractual information) and the contract of franchising which should be compatible with the Doubin Law or compatible with the legislations of the implantation countries. These documents should regulate the relations between the franchisor and the franchisee and should allow the protection of the franchisor concerning the use of its brand.

2 - Marketing
The marketing services of DE WINTER GROUP SAwill repair in partnership with the marketing services of the franchisor the propositions addressed to the candidates investors and the elaboration of the manual of the franchisor.
This manual shouls contain the set of the technical, marketing, commercial information ………..necessary for the franchisee in the exercice of its activity.

3 - Communication
DE WINTER GROUP SA will ensure the communication and the visibility of the existing sales points:
  • By referencing them on the cities sites which correspond to the catchment area of these sales points. This referencing will be visible on the cities sites of the network., first french communication network with 5000 Internet sites of cities of the concerned country. ( We put online at present a new vision with WebTV per city )
  • DE WINTER GROUP SA will ensure the communication and the visibility of the propositions of research of investors franchisees on , advertorials put as front pages, sheets of presentation of the offer, inscription form for the candidates.
  • This communication can be completed by the creation of a 3D stand positioned on our virtual permanent shows ( A virtual show permanent in 3D allowing the direct access to the stands of the franchisors with downloading of the documents, Web access to the site of the franshisor, real time discussion, ..)
  • This referencing will be completed by a referencing on the topic portals dedicated to the luxury world (800 groups), dedicated to the world of art,. food portal which is being put online on 5 european countries, road security , …
  • In a perfectly targeted manner, the offers concerning the research of franchisees will be positioned on the Internet sites of the cities corresponding exactly to the area to be covered.

4 - Commercialization and selection
  • DE WINTER GROUP SA receives the requests of the investors, sends the candidates questionnaire, ensures the selection of the candidates after a certain number of interviews allowing the test of the motivation and the competences of the candidate.
  • Presents the chosen candidates to the franchisor who remains the unique decision maker concerning the choice of the investors franchisees.

5 - Technical
  • The provision of a project manager with his team of 4 engineers (graphic designers, data base developers, networks set up, translators, referencers,..)
  • A server dedicated and a bandwidth with the necessary softwares allowing the access to the information in a fluent way and without saturation.

Development benefits:
Creation of an Internet site second eneration on dynamic data bases for the franchisor:
  • Grapgic design
  • Ausio and visual animation.
  • Logo, site plan, presentation of the company.
  • The products, the services.
  • Presentation of the offer " Become franchisee"
  • Dynamic data bases with secure accesses
  • Shop with secure payment, multi devises, multi credit cards per sales point
  • Front office, management of the caddy
  • Back office, management of the products, families, sub-families, products, mnagement of the orders and the clients payments.
  • Forms of information requests
  • Integration of vidéos, WebTV which can disseminate videos or have a live program from the sales points.
  • Consulting statistics
  • Permanent updating of the data by the technical team available.
  • Creation of a Face book, Twitter interface for the social networks updated by our services.
  • Interface compatible for I phone, ANDROÏD, tablets,..
  • Creation of a blog with the France partners TELEVISION and AUFEMININ.COM

For every sales point, creation of an Internet site interfaced with the site of the group allowing a proximity communication.

The costs are calculated depending on the services you want to use.

6 - Guarantee of asence of financial loss :
De Winter Group, without being able to precise in advance how many contracts will be signed during the period, accepts to guarantee enough results so that the franchisor cannot under any circumstance undergo a financial loss after signing the contract with De Winter Group.

Otherwise, De Winter Group commits itself to reimburse the received amounts spent for the commercialization to the franchisor by the end of the period.